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Birdcage™ Certified Strategies

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Birdcage™ Certified Strategies


Imagine having your entire marketing strategy crafted by experts.

  • $A strategy that doesn’t just aimlessly leave you with unusable ideas, but follows a clear, intentional plan.
  • $To grow your audiences, grow your sales, and grow your impact.
  • $By allowing you to focus solely on activities that move the needle, based on insights from industry-leading marketing experts who aren't afraid to challenge you to reach your full potential.
  • $Saving you time, money, and frustration (and avoiding disappointment when campaigns don’t perform).
  • $And improving the world in the process.
That’s the essence of a Birdcage™ Certified Strategy using our MindOver Marketing™ System.

    Birdcage™ Certified Strategies are industry-leading, audience-focused, and psychology-backed, tailored to deliver actionable steps and real marketing success.

    Each strategy is customised to you as a brand, ensuring you get the most out of your marketing efforts.

    With nearly a decade of experience in crafting successful strategies that drive results and navigating the dynamic digital marketing landscape, we know what works.

    Don’t fall into the trap of marketing without a strategy.

    “But I already have a strategy”

    Are you on the, “I don’t need a strategy; just let me run campaigns,” train? 90% of the brands that speak to us believe they already have a strategy because they hired someone before us to write one.

    If your strategy was crafted correctly, you wouldn’t be here.

    Does your current strategy cover:

    • What stories shaped your audience’s view of the world when they were kids? (programming)
    • Who does your ideal customer want to be? (identity-led messaging)
    • Who are the people you don’t want as customers that can help your dream customers love you more? (your anti-audience)
    • What values do you share with your audience? (Brand Pyramid)
    • How does your brand make people feel? (Brand Pyramid)
    • What questions must you answer to help your audience quickly decide to buy? (Customer Journey Funnel)
    • What message will get your audience to buy now instead of later? (Bottom of Funnel Urgency Messaging)
    • What unique perspective makes you the top choice for your ideal customers? (Polarising Belief)
    • As a brand, who should you be and what content should you share to draw in and keep high-paying, loyal customers? (Content Persona)
    • How to have audiences turn up to your website already sold on working with you.

    No other team matches our dedication to understanding consumer psychology and delivering results for clients. We address all these points and much more through our proven strategy process.

    The Benefits of a Birdcage™ Certified Strategy

    To date, 100% of our strategy clients have experienced:

    • Clarity in identifying their ideal audience
    • Confidence in how to present themselves as the most compelling brand to premium customers
    • Insight into effective communication styles, content topics, and platforms, including tailored content examples
    • Comprehensive understanding of the customer journey, from first encounter to loyal customer who’s already

    Additionally, choosing the Strategy + Action Plan package gives you an audit of your current marketing efforts. You also receive a detailed, actionable plan outlining the steps needed to activate your strategy.


    Fee Structure: Pricing +GST within Australia. 30% deposit to secure project start. Remaining due 14-days before first strategy call.

    Timings & Milestones

    Please note, we limit our intake to 3 strategies per month to ensure personalised attention.

    Next project availability:
    4 weeks to next project start (hurry, one place left)

    The Process:

    1. Fill out the Application Form.
    2. If successful, we’ll contact you to complete onboarding and book your first strategy session. If unsuccessful, we’ll recommend alternative options.
    3. Strategy Session (60-90 minutes): Enjoy your first session with your strategist — very minimal prep work required by you.
    4. Your strategist drafts your strategy within 10 working days
    5. 1st Presentation Call (60 minutes): Review the strategy and give feedback during the call or by email within one week.
    6. Action Plans: your strategist works with wider Birdcage specialists to audit and prepare your Action Plan within 10 working days (if applicable package selected).
    7. 2nd Presentation Call (60 minutes): Review the strategy with your strategist, learning whilst you go.
    8. Implementation Call (30 minutes): Often referred to as the Next Steps Call. Once you’ve digested, we’ll reconnect to ensure you’re supported in reaching your goals and implementing your strategy. If, like 93% of our strategy clients, you choose to take up consulting or outsource to us for full implementation of your Strategy, these packages will commence immediately following.

    Step off the relentless platform-tactics treadmill and choose a psychology-based marketing strategy that delivers tangible results.

    What’s the secret to successful strategies?

    Bettering all types of business

    Our MindOver Marketing™ System

    MindOver Marketing™, crafted by Birdcage Marketing™, isn’t just a marketing strategy; it’s the cornerstone of our success. Developed by our founder, Maddy Birdcage, this system has been meticulously refined through rigorous testing with clients and in our campaigns.

    Since 2015, we’ve navigated every significant shift in digital marketing, from Google SEO overhauls to social media algorithm updates, the advent of TikTok, and even Apple’s privacy changes. Our experience has taught us that enduring brands are built on authentic connections with people, not merely by keeping up with online trends.

    At Birdcage™, we’re driven by the belief that business is fundamentally about people. Effective marketing and sales aren’t just about transactions; they’re about empowering customers to achieve their greatest potential. By harnessing psychological insights to engage audiences and elevate the mindset of our clients and students, we’re committed to forging a better world. Join us in making an impact with strategic digital marketing that truly speaks to your audience, pushes your brand forward, and enhances the world.

    Our Experience

    Established in 2015, we’ve supported thousands of brands over the past decade. Our experience includes (but is not limited to):
    Luxury Market
    • Designer fashion brands
    • Premium spirits and wines
    • Superyachts & luxury yacht brokers
    • Luxury real estate
    • Fine jewellery
    Parenting & Motherhood
    • Educational toys and games
    • Parenting apps and platforms
    • Family counseling services
    • Baby and toddler clothing
    • Parenting books and media
    • Mother & Child Gift Boxes
    • Maternity & Breastfeeding Fashion
    • Children’s feeding & mealtime wares
    Pets & Animals
    • Veterinary clinics
    • Pet grooming and boarding services
    • Animal health products
    • Pet training services
    • Raw dog food delivery
    • Dog Accessories
    • Dog business coaches & software providers
    • Furniture and home furnishings
    • Gardening and landscaping services
    • Home automation and smart home tech
    • Home renovation services
    • Appliance manufacturers
    • Local builders
    • Home decor brands
    • Interior designers
    • Chefs & meal delivery brands
    • Local painters, plumbers, electricians
    Health & Wellness Services
    • Yoga studios and fitness centres
    • Nutritional supplements
    • Wellness retreats and spas
    • Health food stores
    • Personal fitness trainers
    • Local hair salons
    • Dentists
    • Chiropractors
    • Mental Health Providers
    • Plastic Surgeons & Aestheticians
    • Energy healers
    • Crystals and essential oil brands
    Online Coach and Course Providers
    • E-learning platforms
    • Personal development coaches
    • Language tutors and schools
    • Software training providers
    • Artistic and creative workshops
    • Career coaching
    • Nurse Burnout coach
    • Mental Health coaches
    • Bookkeeping coaches
    • Business coaches
    • Financial investing coaches
    Professional Services
    • Legal services and law practices
    • Financial advisors and wealth management
    • Human resources consulting
    • Architectural firms
    • Engineering consultants
    • Law firms
    • Accountants & bookkeepers
    • Other marketing agencies and freelancers
    • Other Web designers
    • IT providers
    • Corporate consultants
    • Packaged foods and confectionery
    • Beverages
    • Personal care products
    • Home cleaning products
    Technology & Innovation
    • Software development companies
    • Tech startups
    • Renewable energy solutions
    Entertainment & Media
    • Film and video production companies
    • Music labels and production
    • Publishing houses
    • Event planning and management
    Fashion & Apparel
    • Boutique clothing stores
    • Sportswear and activewear brands
    • Fashion accessory brands
    • Footwear companies
    • Children’s apparel
    Food & Beverage
    • Restaurants and cafes
    • Craft breweries and distilleries
    • Specialty food producers
    • Catering services
    • Food delivery startups
    Travel & Tourism
    • Travel agencies
    • Hotel and resort chains
    • Tour operators
    • Adventure travel companies
    • Cultural heritage sites
    Sports & Recreation
    • Sports clubs and teams
    • Outdoor equipment brands
    • Fitness equipment manufacturers
    • Recreation centres
    • Sports coaching and camps



    "How do you create a strategy for my business if you're not experienced in my field?"

    Our strategic process blends your industry expertise with our deep understanding of marketing psychology. We tailor each session to unearth unique insights and strategies that resonate with your specific market, ensuring a strategy that’s both informed and effective. We may not be experts in what you do, but we are experts in marketing and strategy development, and, most importantly, experts at shaping what you know into a tangible marketing plan.

    "What if I'm not happy with the strategy? Can I give feedback?"

    Absolutely. Feedback is essential to refining a strategy that truly fits your needs. We welcome your insights during our presentation calls and are committed to adjusting our strategies until they meet your expectations. Be warned, we are not “YES” people. We will always challenge you in the best interests of your brand.

    "What kind of results can I expect?"

    While individual results vary, our clients commonly experience improved market engagement, clearer branding, and significant growth in customer acquisition and retention. We aim to provide you with strategic clarity that translates into measurable success. Please check our case studies to see feedback and examples of past clients.

    "Where do you get the information for audience profiles?"

    We leverage a combination of your market knowledge, third-party data, and our proprietary analytics tools. This comprehensive approach ensures we create audience profiles that are not only accurate but highly actionable.

    "Who will I work with?"

    You’ll work directly with seasoned Birdcage strategists who are deeply involved in both developing and implementing our proven systems and certified in (if not part of the development team) of our MindOver Marketing™ system.. Our team’s expertise is matched only by our commitment to your success.

    "How is this different from what I already know / the strategy I already have?"

    Our approach goes beyond basic strategy creation. We utilise a psychology-based framework that delves deeper into consumer behaviour, providing you with a sophisticated strategy that integrates all aspects of digital marketing to achieve superior results. This framework is used by government communications teams and taught in Australian universities.

    "Does the price include your help in carrying out the marketing?"

    The initial fee covers strategic planning and consultation. For execution, we can provide detailed quotes based on the scope of work needed, allowing you to choose the level of support that best suits your business. Typical ongoing costs as follows:

    • Consulting: from $AU2,600 + GST per month
    • Outsourcing: from $AU4,500 + GST per month

    Featured in

    Our Strategy Team


    Maria Langford

    Senior Marketing Strategist
    • Advanced Birdcage™ Certified Strategist
    • 17+ Years Experience in Marketing
    • Bachelor of Business (Management)
    • Accredited Queensland Government Growth Mentor

    Ebony Wareing

    Digital Advertising Specialist
    • Diploma in Marketing & Communications
    • 6+ Years Experience in Marketing
    • Advanced Birdcage™ Certified Strategist & Paid Ads Specialist

    Maddy Birdcage

    Founder & CEO
    • Bachelor of Arts (Media) and Master of Arts (Advertising)
    • Accredited Queensland Government Growth Mentor
    • University Guest Lecturer for Undergraduate and MBA Students

    Ready to elevate your brand with a Birdcage™ Certified Strategy package?

    Submit your application now before we’re fully booked.

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